I am doing some calculations for 5 years with Air Temperature, Relative Humidit, Wind Velocity and Radiation. However, when I look my output, the results os PET and UTCI are 999 always!
My data is in right order, I set the value of 9999 as missing data but my calculation is not working. Someone could help me? Regards!
Hello, I have the follwing question about the UTCI, I am running a very simple calculation, I do get a 9999 value for UTCI results, do you have any idea why is this happening, is there a missing value to fill? the other parameters are showing actual values.
date day of time sunr. sunset SDmax SDact SVF_Ray Gmax Gact Sact Dact A E Ts Ta VP RH v C Tmrt height weight age sex cloth. activ. PMV PET SET* UTCI PT d.m.yyyy year h:mm h:mm h:mm min min W/m² W/m² W/m² W/m² W/m² W/m² °C °C hPa % m/s octas °C m kg a clo W °C °C °C °C 23.5.2022 143 11:21 3:59 20:07 968 966 1.000 833.3 833.3 731.8 101.5 336.5 576.3 46.1 20.0 12.5 53.5 0.1 0.0 35.0 1.8 75.0 35 m 0.90 80.0 1.3 28.0 29.6 9999.0 24.5