I carefully read two papers of Dr. Andreas Matzarakis ("Modelling radiation fluxes in simple and complex environments: basics of the RayMan model" and "Modelling radiation fluxes in simple and complex environments?application of the RayMan model"), and found that to calculate Mrt, Bowen-ratio, albedo and Linke Turbidity are needed. And there is also "additional pre-setttings" about them in RayMan software. I also found another software, i.e. BioKlima, can model Mrt. However, the Bowen-ratio, albedo and Linke Turbidity cannot be presetted in BioKlima. And the same inputs (air temperature, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, month, day, hour and minute, and latitude) led to quite different outputs of Mrt using RayMan and BioKlima. I am very confused about this, is something wrong about me?
i'm afraid I have to admit, that I don't know the BioKlima model wery well, nor what method it is based on. From what you are writing, I get the impression, that it is based on another and, as less input is required, more simple approach.