Dear Gina19930822,this is exactly the same as your first post (// Removed for being a duplicate.Please rather post a reply in the original thread.Best regards,Dominik
DEAR DominikThank you very very much to reply my question!Here have 4 question.thank you to answer me.1.I need to see sky view factor picture (1.1). i just can see picture like (1.2). also clicking on the "show".But it didn't show picture.2.I need load "3d model" file.but I just can load "png" file.If i just have "2d" picture,can I use sky view factor or it don't need 3d model ,it just use 2d plane can calculate svf?3.I need "mesh" button (2.1). i can't find this button(2.2) just have two button"raster"&"vector".4.I run many different model.But theanswer are always same "SVF=1".Is this right result?(3.1) Thank you so much~Best regards,Gina[EDIT]: Edited by moderator fixing dead links