Dear Dominik,
I am a tree physiologist researcher, and I am very interested in using the SkyHelios model for computing the sky view factor on trees located at Paris, France. I got a version of the model via the download request form on the website. I ran the hardware compatibility test and it performed successfully (on Windows 7 64 bits operating system).
I had the same problem than Marcel for loading a shapefile with height information. When I want to view my data, an "error generating map" message occurred.
I also trried to use a raster file which is a digital surface model of Paris also (.ASC file). Loading the file was OK, but showing the map lead to nothing (white background and a sort of scale in X and Y axis. But the Sky View Factor and sunpath windows seem to show something, which follows the red circle position in the main window.
From your reply, I checked the date of the ClimateSkyModel.exe file, which was last modified on 11/02/2011. I requested a couple of time the skyhelios model via the form, and I constantly recieved a link for the same version. I also treid to contact the prof. Matzarakis, but so far I did not recieve a reply yet. Could there be another way to have a more recent version of Skyhelios?
Sorry for this long message!
Best regards