Dear Dominik while trying to install Sky Helios on another (Higher end) system a problem has been encountered. It says " An Ogre exception has occurred" OGRE EXCEPTION (7: internal error Exception)could not load dynamic librarylibMogreRenderSystem_Direct3D9 the specified module could not be found in Dyn lib at D:DatenMogre......OgreDynLib.cpp(line 91)
I have copied this "RenderSystem_Direct3D9" file from library pasted in main SH folder and several other places BUT DOES'NT WORK. KINDLY HELP
sorry for my late answer. I'm currently out of office.
The message is indicating that directX could not be loaded successfully. As I suspect you got some Windows Version >= Win7, DirectX9 is installed for sure. However, the DirectX End-User Runtimes might be missing. Please download and install:
EDIT: Something with the link did not work and the post was displayed empty in some occasions. Replaced by static text. Sorry for the incomvenience! EDIT2: Now fixed.