Beiträge: 217
| Zuletzt Online: 31.08.2024
Dear NSR,
there is no image attached unfortunately. However, from your private message I get the error you're receiving is "Yp2 ist kein gultiges datum" what translates to "Yp2 is not a valid date". I'd therefore recommend to check the date format in the file as well as in the settings.
Best, Dominik
Dear Zhang Weiwei,
basically you can calculate most thermal indices (including UTCI) based on those parameters, yes (given you also know date and time of the readings).
The issue you might run in is, as you already noticed the wind input limitation of UTCI: As suggested in Broede et al. 2012, you could replace all wind speed lesser than 0.5 by 0.5 m/s (accepting some imprecision) or you should additionally calculate another thermal index to assess differences in this area.
The issue with the cloud cover is rather easy to solve. They are linear scales both, so simply do basic math: cc_8 = cc_10 / 10 * 8
Zitat RayMan Pro 2.3 beta
You are obviously not using a recent version. Please fill the form at the rayman main page and obtain a recent copy. If the error persists please delete all content from the air temperature, vapor pressure and relative humidity boxes and only type numbers there (without decimals for a start) to avoid conversion issues through strange characters (e.g. whitespaces that got there through copying some numbers).
Best, Dominik
Dear vlab,
I don't know what presumptions that page actually does or does not consider, but for the second row, with an air temp of 15°C and a mean radiant temperature of 18°C, -2.18 (class "cool") appears way too low to me. Also for the last row I'd expect something indicating some heat load. 0.79, however, only is in the lower range of the class "slightly warm"…
Best, Dominik
Dear vlab,
please post some example so I can reproduce.
Best, Dominik
Dear Zhang Weiwei,
for downloading RayMan, please fill the form at and you will obtain a download link.
Generally, please open new threads for different questions!
Yes, you basically do need altitude correction for your input data (The difference between Ta at 2m and 1.1m will be low though…)
This is correct. UTCI is determined by the regression equation by Broede et al. 2012, which defines a minimum incident wind speed of 0.5m/s.
Best, Dominik
Dear Zhang Weiwei,
the error message indicates a conversion problem. The program fails to convert text to a decimal number. This could be caused by a problem with the characterset of the operating system. Please see the solution to this post: RE: "108?7 ist kein gültiger Gleitkommawert", location.
The RayMan version 20170310 is deprecated by the way. Please download the latest version.
Best, Dominik
Well, so could you please type the exact error message…?
Dear vlab,
thanks for providing this information. It appears like this combination of input parameters confuses the radiation calculations (they are all set to the fail value of -9999). This seems to be a bug. If you have a version of RayMan that works on this combination go on using that one until the latest version is fixed.
Thanks for reporting!
Best, Dominik
Dear Zhang Weiwei,
maybe you got some corrupted currentsession.ini file? In the same folder as the .exe, there must be a file "currensession.ini". It does store the previous settings and is safe to remove. Please delete that file and retry.
Best, Dominik
Dear Nassima,
activity is not considered for PET in RayMan. However, you could calculate mPET instead that fully supports the activity setting.
Another option would be using SkyHelios (Pro), that does allow for the setting of activity in PET.
Best, Dominik
Dear vlab,
what exactly happens if you apply a meteo input file with global radiation? Crashes? Weired output…?
And could you eventually provide a minimum working example (just paste two or three lines of your mete input file here) so I can reproduce?
Basically it is never a very good idea to use a deprecated version. Let's try with the latest version first.
Best, Dominik
Dear Mat,
that sounds strange. Are you sure you are on the latest version available online? Could you maybe re-download and replace your copy with the downloaded one? Does the issue persist with that one?
Best, Dominik
Dear Matt,
is there output files generated if you uncheck "write to single file"?
Best, Dominik
Dear Pamela,
RayMan does not consider water bodies, sorry. You could, however, reduce air temperature and increase humidity while running points close to water bodies manually.
Best, Dominik