Dear Dominik, I encountered this problem in using Skyhelios to calculate a range of SVFs. I checked "Write to single file" in the pop-up window after clicking "Calculate Area Output". Then "Wrote output files to folder C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\o" will be prompted. However, there is no calculation result in the text file with the name AreaOutputResults in the open folder. So I would like to ask you how to solve this situation? Looking forward to your reply.
According to what you said, uncheck the "Write to single file" option, you can generate calculation results.
But the research I am currently doing needs to know the SVF at different latitude and longitude coordinate points.
I see "Write to single file" does enable an alternative output handler that will write all results to one individual text file containing a table with latitude, longitude and The different parameters." in section 3.8 of the "SkyHelios manual version 0.1" file you shared. So follow this prompt and you're experiencing this problem.
that sounds strange. Are you sure you are on the latest version available online? Could you maybe re-download and replace your copy with the downloaded one? Does the issue persist with that one?