I am designing an experimental setup to measure the perceived heat stress in a cargo bike using RayManPro.
The indices calculable in RayMan appear, as far as I know, to be less helpful for this purpose, as they are based on uniform physical activity (PET) or indoor environments (PMV). I was only able to find limited information about the modified PET index integrated in the program. However, I interpret the article "Concepts and New Implements for Modified Physiologically Equivalent Temperature" as suggesting that the perception of temperature during physical activity is also well represented: 'The mPET is further different from the most above-mentioned thermal indicators and has given a comprehensive and effective estimation of thermal perception in a balance of considering thermo-physiological activity, clothing influences and environmental impacts.' Am I correct in this interpretation?
Send by Andreas Matzarakis via eMail: They can be used for bike rides. However, they require the temporal changes in meteorological variables. It would be better to focus not only on mPET or PET (with standard conditions), but also on the outputs of the mPET model.