hello everyone, I am involved in the project studying heat waves in cities, my team wants to test the effects of the trees in the streets on biometeorological variables. We would like to use Rayman model. We are going to model one heat episode in the street canyon by PALM model-A PArallelized Large-Eddy Simulation Model for Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows with added radiation module. The outputs of this model provide the spatial information about meteorological parameters (WS. WD, T, RH), radiations and so on. We will be able to calculate MRT as well. Unfortunately, I still see RayMan and calculation of PET as blackbox. I would be thankful if you could clarify what is needed for calculation of PET.
Can I use just one text file with T, WS, RH and MRT for all points in my street and all time steps? Or do I need to consider obstacles in calculation of PET even though I already have MRT calculated from other model? What else is considered in the calculation of PET except parameters already mentioned? We would like to use as much as we can from model PALM and use RayMan just for PET calculation.
yes, if T is air temperature and all of your parameters are local variables for the actual position, you want PET for, I think this will be no problem. You just need a textfile with air temperaure, humidity (e.g. RH), wind speed (local!) and something to calculate radiation from. As you already have Tmrt, you should be fine using that.