I want to do a study of urban climatology using Rayman and, particularly, the options which it offers regarding to topography and obstacles.
I have downloaded the software two weeks ago. Since then, I have been trying to test its running with some datasets. However, I have found a lot of difficulties. Actually I don't fully undertand how the software runs.
I have some DEM from our study area. I have tried to input the DEMs in the software but I don't know how it manages them. The first problem is with the extension, because I have a DEM in .tif which then I converted into .xyz, but I don't know if it is really correct. In the other case, I obtained the DEM from lidar data, which I straightaway converted into .txt format with lastools. However, in that case, like I am not working with raster data (they are lidar data), I don't know the resolution and the number of colums and rows of the data. Although I could input the data in the model, I saw that the z value was wrong in the edit point field (it indicated the value of one UTM coordinate).
Finally, I have tried to input the data manually, but I don't know the relation between the raster table that you can watch on the monitor and the parameters that you indicate (resolution and number of colums and rows). I mean, I tought that when you indicate for example 2 rows and 2 colums and a resolution of 5 meters you only would be able to watch a table with 2 rows and 2 coulms, i.e. four squares. However, this is not in that way.
All in all, I don't know really how manage the topography option in Rayman. Consequently, I would be very grateful about any assistance or advise.
First of all, RayMan topography input tool needs a regular (equidistant) raster grid. If you intend to use LIDAR data, you need to interpolate those to a regular raster.
As soon as you got a regular raster (no matter if it originates from LIDAR or DEM), save your raster to a textfile, that complies to the following format (please check with a plain text editor, e.g. the Windows® Editor):
Please note, that the file needs to be a table of exactly one column (elevation in meters). Make sure, there is no additional white spaces at the end of any row, nor must there be any empty rows. You don't need any coordinates here. The number of rows and columns need to be set in the topography window, as well as the orientation of the file.
From what you wrote, I get the impression, that your file contains additional columns. Please check on that!
Ehm, I don't really get what you did in the second last paragraph, sorry! What did you do manually? Maybe consider posting an example or some screenshot?
Best regards Dominik
EDIT: I confused the file format in a provious version of my post. I decided to correct the post instead of adding a new answer to avoid confusing more people. Sorry for that!
Thanks a lot for your answer. In the last weeks I have been so busy, so I couldn't reply sooner.
Regarding your answer, I don't understand well the thing about the file format. ¿Is not in the file the coordinates of each cell? I supposed that the file format would be something like this: XUTM, YUTM, Elevation. I don't know how RayMan can know the coordinates of my study area if i don't introduce that information in the raster.
Regarding my last question in the first post, I refered to the possibility of introduce manually the data in RayMan in the "Location" and "Edit point" windows inside the topography option.
no, the topography file for RayMan must only consist of one column, holding the heights. There must be no coordinates in this file!
Everything else needs to be set in the upper right part of the "Edit Topography" window (like how many columns and rows, grid spacing and the order of the cols and rows in the file). The location is only controlled by the geographic location set in the main Window!