I have a 400+ sample size that I need to calculate PMV for. I have wind velocity, clo, MET, ambient air temp, RH, etc. all that I need.
When I go to the help menu on RayMan it says that in order to calculate numerous amounts of data you need to have it laid out in a textfile. Unfortunately, it doesn't say how to lay out the textfile (or maybe it does and I didn't notice).
I'm wondering if anyone has done something like this and could help me with how to organize the textfile so that RayMan can calculate the PMV for all 400+ surveys/data, or perhaps there is a simpler way of using an excel sheet?
For the encoding of a meteorological input file please check the many other threads tagged "[Meteo Input File Encoding]" (or similar). An example for a meteorological input file for the calculation of thermal indices can be found here: http://www.urbanclimate.net/rayman/rayman_input_example.txt
You definetly need a delimited text file. An excel sheet won't do. However, you can export tab delimited text files from excel by highlighting the desired data and save them as text file (.txt).