I need some explanations to understand the definition of the Camera Height in SkyHelios.
I have a XYZ-Raster-File where the z-values are defined as the following:
Z=elevation + building height
lowest z-values: ~ 65m (elevation=65m above mean sea level, building height = 0m (no building)) heighest z-values: ~ 120m (elevation 95 m a.m.s.l. + building height=25m)
when I define the camera height as 1.5 m and choose a point very close to a building, the picture of the SVF in the panel at the right side looks not reasonable (there is no black area in the direction of the building)
when I lower the camera height by 10 m (Camera height=-8.5m) I see the shape of the building in the sky view factor picture as I would expect
As I understand, the camera height adds a defined height to the ground level in the simulation area. Therefore a value of 0m should add no height to the input heights of the XYZ-file. But if this is true then I should be able to see the shape of the building in the SVF-picture when I choose a point close to it, and the SVF-picture should turn completly black as soon as I define negavtive camera heights. Both is not the case in my example.
I need to know which value I have to set for the camera height to simulate heights above 0.0 m and 1.5 m above my input XYZ-file.
Any raster file is considered as terrain by SkyHelios. Therefore, the actual cameraheight is RasterHeight at x/y + cameraheight. The camera does follow the terrain.
You are therefore definitely supposed to see any obstacles, that are larger than your cameraheight.
There is one exception to this: Graphic objects are only visible from one side. As soon as you (why so ever) manage to move the camera inside any object (e.g. camera below terrain) the object will become invisible to that camera.
However, as soon as you specify positive values for the camera height, you're definitely supposed to be able to see terrain in the output views.
If any of this is not the case for you, please, first, ask Andreas for a recent copy of SkyHelios. If the issue persists, please report back here.
Thank you for your quick answer. So far I could not solve the problem. All I can say for now is that the problem doesn't appear when I use OBS-Files instead of the XYZ-Files. Maybe I will come back to you later.