I need some explanations to understand the definition of the Camera Height in SkyHelios.
I have a XYZ-Raster-File where the z-values are defined as the following:
Z=elevation + building height
lowest z-values: ~ 65m (elevation=65m above mean sea level, building height = 0m (no building))
heighest z-values: ~ 120m (elevation 95 m a.m.s.l. + building height=25m)
when I define the camera height as 1.5 m and choose a point very close to a building, the picture of the SVF in the panel at the right side looks not reasonable (there is no black area in the direction of the building)
when I lower the camera height by 10 m (Camera height=-8.5m) I see the shape of the building in the sky view factor picture as I would expect
As I understand, the camera height adds a defined height to the ground level in the simulation area. Therefore a value of 0m should add no height to the input heights of the XYZ-file. But if this is true then I should be able to see the shape of the building in the SVF-picture when I choose a point close to it, and the SVF-picture should turn completly black as soon as I define negavtive camera heights. Both is not the case in my example.
I need to know which value I have to set for the camera height to simulate heights above 0.0 m and 1.5 m above my input XYZ-file.
Thanks a lot!