Dear Dominik,
The first question:
I calculated the daily astronomical radiation (MJ/m ^ 2), 1MJ/d/m ^ 2 =(1000/(3.6*24))w/m ^ 2,
So, converting the daily astronomical radiation into daily global radiation is correct?
The second question:
In addition, I have temperature(℃), wind speed(m/s), relative humidity(%) and cloud cover. Can these data be put into the software to calculate UTCI?
The last question:
When vapour pressure is input in the "Current data" box, relative humidity is calculated at the same time.
However, this result is different from that calculated by a meteorological datafile.
For example, the vapor pressure is 39.2hPa, relative humidity calculated is 70% in the "Current data" box. But relative humidity calculated is 138.1% by a meteorological datafile and cloud cover is only 0.0. So, could you tell me what's wrong?
the input file:
01.06.2019 08:20 23.2 39.2 1.2 367
the output file:
RayMan Pro 2.3 beta 1999 - 2014
Meteorological Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany
date time Gmax Gact A E Ts Ta VP RH v C Tmrt PET UTCI
d.m.yyyy h:mm W/m2 W/m2 W/m2 W/m2 ℃ ℃ hPa % m/s octa ℃ ℃ ℃
1.6.2019 8:20 134.6 367.0 358.6 471.0 29.7 23.2 39.2 138.1 1.2 0.0 36.1 26.3 35.1