Beiträge: 8
| Zuletzt Online: 18.07.2019
Dear Dominik,
I read the instructions. So I've solved the first problem. Mean radiant temperature can be calculated based on global radiation or cloud coverage.
However, 0 = clear sky to 8 = overcast sky, our cloud cover data usually ranges from 0 to 10. And wind speed is smaller than 0.5 or larger than 17.0 m/s, our wind speed is sometimes below 0.5. How to solve the problem of data scoping?
Dear dominik_mif , Thank you for your advice. I'm applying for the laster version. Wish me luck.
Best Regards.
Dear Dominik_mif ,
I changed another computer which system was Win7,and I did as you said and it worked. This problem was solved. Thank you for your patient answer.
I have other questions that I need your help. Where can I download the new version?
The first question: '... for all indices, there is meteorological input required for the very location the index is calculated for (in a height of 1.1 m above ground level). The wind speed for UTCI is corrected automatically by the model. ...' This is described in the section on page 11 of the 'RayManManual.pdf'. However, we usually have the temperature in a height of 2 meters above the ground and the wind speed in a height of 10 meters above the ground. So do meteorological elements need to be converted into values of 1.1 meters above the ground and then input into the RayMan?
The second question: I don't have radiation data, but I have temperature, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover and other data. I want to confirm that, can these data be directly put into the calculation?
The third question: I just tried the tool and found that one of the UTCI results was '9999'. The input data and results are listed below. input data: 01.06.2019 08:00 23.1 16.2 1.2 322 01.06.2019 08:10 23.0 16.3 0.8 341 01.06.2019 08:20 23.2 16.6 1.4 367 01.06.2019 08:30 23.4 16.6 0.6 392 01.06.2019 08:40 23.9 16.5 0.3 411 01.06.2019 08:50 24.6 16.4 1.3 435 the results RayMan Pro 2.3 beta ?1999 - 2014 Meteorological Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany date day of time sunr. sunset SDmax SDact SVF_Ray Gmax Gact Sact Dact A E Ts Ta VP RH v C Tmrt height weight age cloth. activ. SET* UTCI d.m.yyyy year h:mm h:mm h:mm min min W/m2 W/m2 W/m2 W/m2 W/m2 W/m2 ℃ ℃ hPa % m/s octas ℃ m kg a clo W ℃ ℃ 1.6.2019 152 8:00 4:59 19:06 847 846 1 545.1 322 190.2 131.8 354.9 463.4 28.4 23.1 16.2 57.4 1.2 0 39.1 1.8 75 35 0.9 80 26.5 26.7 1.6.2019 152 8:10 4:59 19:06 847 846 1 577.6 341 201.3 139.7 354.5 470.3 29.6 23 16.3 58.1 0.8 0 40.5 1.8 75 35 0.9 80 28.3 27.9 1.6.2019 152 8:20 4:59 19:06 847 846 1 609.2 367 221.1 145.9 355.7 468.1 29.2 23.2 16.6 58.5 1.4 0 41.5 1.8 75 35 0.9 80 26.9 27.1 1.6.2019 152 8:30 4:59 19:06 847 846 1 639.9 392 240.1 151.9 356.6 484.7 32 23.4 16.6 57.8 0.6 0 43.6 1.8 75 35 0.9 80 30.5 29.3 1.6.2019 152 8:40 4:59 19:06 847 846 1 669.7 411 252.2 158.8 359 498.3 34.2 23.9 16.5 55.7 0.3 0 45.5 1.8 75 35 0.9 80 33.7 9999 [/b]1.6.2019 152 8:50 4:59 19:06 847 846 1 698.4 435 270.9 164.1 362.3 487 32.3 24.6 16.4 53.1 1.3 0 45.7 1.8 75 35 0.9 80 29.3 29.3
Dear Dominik_mif ,
I'm sorry. I did it as you told me. However, the same problem applied again.
The problem: I deleted the currentsession.ini file and retry to open the RayManPro, but the error dialog box appears again, which displayed as 'Exception EReadError in Modul RayMan_20170310. Exe bei 0001 b8cb Fehler beim Lesen von RichEdit1. Lines. The Strings: Fehler bei...'.
So the RayManPro still doesn't work.
Looking forward to your reply. Thank you!
Sorry, I can't seem to provide the error picture in the forum.
Thank you for your reply.
The currentsession.ini file does exist in the same folder as the RayManPro.exe. But after I deleted it, there is still a same problem. The error picture has been given, please check it. I look through the previous rayman1.2 version, there is no currentsession.ini file in the folder.