Dear Dominik,
For the case with global radiation with the newest version, there were any output values, just the column labels of the output variables. I have done an example simulations with the newer version again, and I did succeed to get results in the output file. I suppose the problem was with the date/time formats in the window with output settings. But, now the output values of the indices and other variables are missing values (9999). I did the same simulations with the old version and the output looks normal. I attach the input and the output from the simulation with the newest version, with three rows as you have asked for. The labels are given above the numerical input values. Thank you.
Enumeration Date Time Lon Lat Altitude Temperature RelativeHumidity WindVelocity SurfaceTemperature Albedo GlobalRadiation
1 01.01.2014 00:00 22.210 41.260 893 -2.2 96.5 0.7 4.1 0.1 0.0
5010 09.05.2014 15:00 22.705 42.790 1001 16.6 46.9 2.1 16.2 0.2 448.4
7544 09.05.2014 16:00 24.280 43.555 45 17.6 65.4 0.5 18.8 0.2 91.0
RayMan Pro 2.3 beta © 1999 - 2014
Meteorological Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany
date day of time sunr. sunset SDmax SDact SVF_Ray Gmax Gact Sact Dact A E Ts Ta VP RH v C Tmrt height weight age sex cloth. activ. PMV PET SET* UTCI PT mPET
d.m.yyyy year h:mm h:mm h:mm min min W/m² W/m² W/m² W/m² W/m² W/m² °C °C hPa % m/s octas °C m kg a clo W °C °C °C °C °C
01.01.2014 1 0:00 6:57 16:13 556 555 1.000 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 -2.2 5.0 96.5 0.7 9999.0 9999.0 1.8 75.0 35 m 0.90 80.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0
09.05.2014 129 15:00 4:13 18:38 865 862 1.000 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 16.6 8.9 46.9 2.1 9999.0 9999.0 1.8 75.0 35 m 0.90 80.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0
09.05.2014 129 16:00 4:05 18:33 868 867 1.000 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 17.6 13.1 65.4 0.5 9999.0 9999.0 1.8 75.0 35 m 0.90 80.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0 9999.0