I want to do a study of urban climatology using Rayman and, particularly, the options which it offers regarding to topography and obstacles.
I have downloaded the software two weeks ago. Since then, I have been trying to test its running with some datasets. However, I have found a lot of difficulties. Actually I don't fully undertand how the software runs.
I have some DEM from our study area. I have tried to input the DEMs in the software but I don't know how it manages them. The first problem is with the extension, because I have a DEM in .tif which then I converted into .xyz, but I don't know if it is really correct.
In the other case, I obtained the DEM from lidar data, which I straightaway converted into .txt format with lastools. However, in that case, like I am not working with raster data (they are lidar data), I don't know the resolution and the number of colums and rows of the data. Although I could input the data in the model, I saw that the z value was wrong in the edit point field (it indicated the value of one UTM coordinate).
Finally, I have tried to input the data manually, but I don't know the relation between the raster table that you can watch on the monitor and the parameters that you indicate (resolution and number of colums and rows). I mean, I tought that when you indicate for example 2 rows and 2 colums and a resolution of 5 meters you only would be able to watch a table with 2 rows and 2 coulms, i.e. four squares. However, this is not in that way.
All in all, I don't know really how manage the topography option in Rayman. Consequently, I would be very grateful about any assistance or advise.
Thanks in advance
Kind Regards